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Big Effer for Cuadrilla

UK commercial body company Shawtrack has sold a 94 tonne/metre Effer crane to exploration company Cuadrilla.

Based in Staffordshire, England, Cuadrilla was founded in 2007 as a privately owned energy exploration and production company, with a focus on bringing together experts to recover natural resources, such as the 200 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural gas it found last year in shale rock in Bowland, Lancashire. The challenge now is to extract a significant amount of the gas.
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Cuadrilla's Effer 1355

The equipment package supplied by Shawtrack to carry out exploration work, includes an Effer 1355 with six hydraulic extensions, plus a jib with a further four hydraulic extensions and a 2.75 tonne winch, mounted on a Renault 8x4 Kerax truck. The 94 tonne metre crane can lift up to 21.8 tonnes at over four metres radius and take 2.2 tonnes to over 24 metres.

The crane also has some substantial lift capacities with the main boom fully elevated and the fly jib horizontal – such as 8,190kg at a radius of almost eight metres at a height of 18 metres.

Cuadrilla will be able to tap into the Atlas Cranes national service network, thanks to the recent distribution and support agreement between Effer and Atlas.
