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Lifting a bag of chips/crisps

A small British potato chip/crisp manufacturer – Corkers Crisps of Ely, Cambridgeshire has set a new Guiness record for the largest bag of potato chips ever lifted. The bag measured 5.5 metres high and had to be strong enough to support over a tonne, in an earlier attempt the bag broke.
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The full bag weighed more than a tonne

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The telehandler lifted the bag and the scissor lift was used to access the top

The terms laid down by the Guiness book of records for this particular record require the potato chips to be fried in a single batch, making this more of a challenge than simply building a bigger bag. It took the team at Corkers over 20 hours to fry enough crisps/chips for the attempt. The previous record, held by a Japanese company was 501kg, the British team managed a total of 1,140kg.
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The chips / crisps have to be from a single batch

The successful attempt required quite a bit of planning and involved a telehandler, a scissor lift and some interesting rigging and load weighing attachments. The rigging load measurement devices were designed and supplied by TMC Lifting Supplies.

They involved a special attachment frame for the chip factory’s New Holland telehandler, which not only lifted the massive bag, but was also had to be able to hold it open at the top to allow the chips/crisps to be poured/tipped in from the safety of a scissor lift – a Genie GS1932.
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The lifting gear was designed and built by TMC lifting

Money raised from the record breaking stunt will go to children’s cancer charity Liam Fairhurst Foundation.
