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Lucky escape for fruit picker

A woman escaped injury yesterday after falling around six metres following an electric shock from overhead power lines.

The 35 year old was working from a trailer mounted aerial lift in an avocado orchard near Tauranga, New Zealand, when she came into contact with an 11,000 volt power line. The shock apparently knocked the woman from the platform, but she only suffered from a bruised back and singed hair. She was taken to hospital to check for any internal injuries but was said to be OK.

Department of Labour inspectors visited the scene yesterday to make some preliminary inquiries. Apparently last year a 23 year old man working nearby suffered serious burns after he burst into flames in a very similar incident.

Fruit pickers are warned to keep an eye out for overhead power lines while working and the local power company warns them to keep a distance of at least four metres. They are also supposed to wear a harness and lanyard. It looks as though this lady is charmed having escaped from both the shock and the fall.
