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Pick & carry lift

Spotted by a reader in Texas a scissor lift taking on a new role.

We have no idea when and where this actually occurred, but it’s a new one for us. Just when you think you have seen it all. - a compact Rough Terrain scissor lift looks as though it was used to unload the pallet load of boxes by slinging it to the deck extension, lifting it from the transport and then as our photo shows carrying it to wherever it was needed.
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The risk to this man or others is minimal as long as they keep their distance. However depending on the weight of the load it may well cause a structural overload to the deck extension. In which case it would go back to the rental company, who would be none the wiser to the antics of its customer, with little chance of anything showing up in a routine inspection.

Then one day some poor innocent is using the machine in the proper manner and the deck extension gives way due to the previous structural overload, possibly causing a fatality.

Not really a direct Death Wish - but we will pop it in anyway.
Have a safe weekend.


The worker in question went to get a forklift, but it was already in use with a pallet on the forks, and personnel standing on the pallet.

Sep 17, 2023