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Imran Kahn falls from makeshift platform

Imran Khan, the Pakistani cricketer turned politician and presidential hopeful has been injured after falling from a stack of pallets on tines of a fork truck that he was using as a makeshift lift.

He was being lifted to the stage at the time at an election rally in Lahore when he appears to have gone over the back of the mast and fell around four to five metres. He was not alone on the stack of pallets and the others fell on top of him.
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The platform that Imran Kahn was standing on

He was taken to hospital with head and spinal injuries but is expected to be released later this week. Click here to see short video clip of the fall

Vertikal Comment

If he had not fallen this would surely have qualified as a Death Wish. Whatever possessed someone to consider using this as a lift, let alone with more than one person on it?


I bet that hit him for six !

May 8, 2013