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No outriggers cause fatality

A man using a boom truck to lift a two tonne generator was killed yesterday in Indianapolis, after he was crushed when the crane overturned.
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The overturned crane

The incident occurred at the premises of BMAC Wireless a manufacturer/installer of mobile phone towers. The man, 25, was apparently trained to used heavy equipment but decided that he was able to carry out the lift without setting the machine’s outriggers. This in spite of advice from a colleague.
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It is clear that the outriggers were not set

Vertikal Comment

Why is it that people repeatedly make this mistake? The boom truck looks almost brand new, it uses out and down A frame outriggers that take seconds to set and even if not required for the load provide additional security. This mans short cut has resulted in his premature death and will have a massive effect on dozens of other people’s lives, from his immediate family to the other employees at the company and the firemen who had to clean up the mess.

Sadly the fire captain is quoted as saying: “It was tragic, a pure accident." No I am sorry this was no accident it was a completely foreseeable, predictable event. It is certainly tragic for all those personally involved though.


Nom de plume. And that was predictive text spelling it wrong lol

Sep 29, 2013

You are aware that when you use big words it doesn't make you sound intelligent it just makes you sound like somebody who wants everyone to think they are intelligent. You do not have tutors to try and impress here so you could have just said "pen name" not " non de plume"as you put it, and for the record it's actually spelt "mom de plume" do if you are going to use words and phrases to make yourself sound more intelligent then please make sure you spell them correctly first .

Sep 29, 2013

Mr ponsonby. Please also look further down the list to Mr Tristam Mayes whom I have never met but we don't always soon eye to eye on comments however he agrees with me, why don't you make a comment and see how many people are prepared to back you on this web site I am prepared to bet a large lump of your pounds that there won't be many.

Item edited to exclude personal Abuse

Sep 29, 2013

Mr Ponsonby I was using the nickname allowed by this website I am quite happy to let you know my name. Why would you need a court of law to discuss safe systems of work with me ? I am pretty sure people discuss this every day and it would be a pretty strange world if all discussions like this had to be in court( I think they call this place North Korea).

Item edited to exclude personal abuse

Sep 29, 2013

Good Afternoon Mr PJC,

Thank you for your input, the content of which is noted.
(albeit signed in your non-de-plume.)

FYI only, I also have first hand experience of a Crane Induced Fatality when my Father in Law David Stanford was Crushed to Death by a Loaded Concrete Skip dropped by an NCK 605 Crawler Crane, thus leaving his Widow and Five (5) children in poverty for the next 10 yrs. His Death was also described as an 'Accident' by his Employer with no Prosecution resulting. So I well understand your point of view, particularly so as 149 Men and Women were killed in the UK workplace during 2012. ( HSE published figures)

My Law Tutor Mr York LLB used to say that when a Man has lost the intellectual argument, he may then resort to insults in an effort to discredit the Witness. So I always happy to debate Worker Safety ( which I support ) and Safe Systems of Work relating to Lifting Operations with you in person..... and to do it in a Court of Law, if your CEO chooses to do so ?

Worker Safety is very important to me, so barring a High Court Injunction, my Crane Safety Improvement Strategy continues, to the Benefit of all Workers.

For the future, please have the courage of your convictions and sign off in your full name, so that the World knows your true identity ?

With Kindest Regards
Mike Ponsonby BA

Sep 29, 2013

PJC I don't always agree on some of your comments but I'm with you on this 1. Who cares about the meaning if the word accident, in this case the poor guys messed up and paid the highest price for it.
My condolences to his family RIP.

Sep 28, 2013

Indeed Mr. Editor,It takes a minute to set the outriggers. It will takes many years for his family and friends to get over this tragic day. Deepest sympathy to the family. May he rest in peace.

Sep 28, 2013

To be honest mr ponsonby your comments are rather irrelevant or timely. A man has lost his life and he maybe made a mistake that cost him his life the fact that you discuss whether or not this is an accident is unbelievable. I have read numerous quotes from you on incidents on this website but sitting a course does not an expert make. Peter oram was an expert and if he was alive today he certainly would not have commented in such a way you did.

Item edited to exclude insulting and personal abuse

Sep 28, 2013

Good Afternoon Mr Editor,

You are bang-on correct, this Fatal Incident in the USA on 27th Sept 2013 was No Accident, because it was entirely Foreseeable and Preventable for anyone in BMAC Management who cared to look.

The fact that this Fatal Incident was unwanted does not make it an 'Accident', for to be an 'Accident' it must be Accidental, like Lightning etc. Instead this incident was entirely Foreseeable and as such is NOT an Accident.

Should Readers doubt my words,then Please ask your Solicitor to advise you on the Judgment of Londons Court of Appeal in the Reported case of HSE. v. Tangerine Confectionery and Veolia plc [2012] CA. EWCA 2015.

The Ratio Decidendi of the Court of Appeal being:- If the Fatal Incident was 'Foreseeable' then the Appellant is denied the Opportunity to claim that it was an 'Accident' as the Fatal events ( In this case it was Two Fatalities) were not Accidental.

The UK Crane and Construction Industry should take serious note of this Precedent Decision ?

With Kindest Regards
Mike Ponsonby BA

Sep 28, 2013