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Crane tips in Maldives

A Rough Terrain crane tipped yesterday in the Maafannu district of Malé, the capital of the Maldives, injuring the operator.

The crane was set up in the street and lifting cement bags to the second floor of a house when it tipped laying its boom across the neighbouring building.
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The crane tipped on the side with the retracted outriggers

While the crane came to rest on the building the operator was taken to hospital with a broken leg and other injuries. No one else was hurt.

The crane, which is owned by the RKL Group, the largest rental company in Malé, appears to have been set up with only one set of outrigger beams extended, predictably the crane has tipped on the side where they are retracted – the side with the load!


Andy S.
It looks like a more like a city crane, than a Rough Terrain.

Jan 21, 2010