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City centre Death Wish

We received the following photos this morning from a reader who had received them from a customer. It looks like a typical UK town centre and was apparently taken recently.
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A town centre somewhere in the UK

It looks as though the man balancing on the forks in the busy pedestrian precinct is planning to work on the street lights. If so one assumes that this is the ultimate responsibility of the local government?

While using a forklift as an access platform is still way too common in most cases we see the protagonists at least use a pallet or something to stand on and tend to do it inside.

This case is amazing in that on a damp looking winter’s day when the forks are likely to be slippery our man has made no attempt to create a makeshift platform. On top of that he is working in public with no attempt to cordon off, if he slips he not only puts his life at risk, but could land on someone below.
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Standing on a forklift in the city centre

Even if he did no land on someone a fall from that height would cause incredible distress to passers who might witness the resulting mess. Without doubt a Death Wish.


Ted Williams
I think we may be being some duff information here, looks more like a statue to me than a living breathing human!!
However what is a fork-lift with a load doing running around in the middle of a bunch of shoppers without the work area being barriered off?

Jan 29, 2010