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Access London calls it a day

UK based rental company Access London 08 is now officially in Liquidation, following a creditors meeting last Thursday.

The company, founded in 2008 and based in London, was owned and managed by ex Haulotte head of marketing Pierrick Lourdain and Kevin Smith. It had severe difficulties last year especially after its line of credit with a factoring company was withdrawn at short notice.

The company managed to overcome this obstacle even after some of its equipment was taken back, however it left the business with little cash to weather the slower first quarter and when demand slowed due to public holidays and the exceptionally poor weather there was little chance of survival.

We have not yet spoken to either of the two owners, who are also partners in a small business called Hydro Repair Services.


Dog eat Dog
Perhaps the new company will be called Access London 12

Aug 22, 2012