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Increase in Aerial lift thefts

We have received a number of reports and anecdotal information in the past month or so that suggests that the number of aerial lifts being stolen from Job sites in the UK is on the increase. Particularly popular are recent vintage boom lifts although all types of lift are vulerable.

Our latest report, in today, concerns the following unit stolen last week from a site in Sunderland.

Colour: Nationwide Blue
Serial number: 0300033596
Year: 1997
Stolen from: a Site in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear
Date stolen: 26 July 2004

We are considering adding a stolen machines report both onto this web site and into our printed publications, Cranes&Access and Kran&Bühne If you think that this would be a useful service and or have any stolen units to add to the list please let us know on [email protected] and put “Stolen machines” in the subject box. The same applies to any information on stolen units.
