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Polska Bridge bash

Traffic was held up last week in Szczecin Poland after an elevated loader crane smacked into a bridge.

The crane, a Fassi mid-range articulated was badly stuck, with its back broken, another crane, a Hiab, was called into to recover and extract it.
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The recovery begins

While bridge bashing by loader crane is still relatively common, this one looks particularly spectacular in that the boom appears to have been left significantly extended.
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Watched intently by the rescue services

High boom warning gear in the cab is now fitted to all new cranes under the new European standards, but retrofit solutions can also be found for older cranes. Thankfully in this accident no one was hurt – as far as we know.


Not to mention the safe system of work during the recovery, Is this standard PPE for the Operator standing on the back of the unit..

Jun 10, 2011