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Nifty Movember

If you happen to stop by the Niftylift plant in Milton Keynes, in the UK this month you cannot help but notice an outbreak of hairy top lips among the male employees.

This is not some new fashion sweeping the UK’s this growing metropolis, no its down to the fact that 20 male members of staff have donated their top lips to charity – but only for a few weeks, to raise funds and awareness for prostate and other male cancers.

Every November or ‘Movember’ as it is known, moustaches start sprouting on thousands of men’s faces around the world, with the sole aim to raise funds for this good cause through sponsored growths.
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Team Nifty - well most of them - with their growths so far

On Movember 1st, 20 clean-shaven men at the UK’s largest powered access manufacturer registered as ‘Team Nifty’ and over the past three weeks or so these generous ‘Mo Bros’ have groomed, trimmed and waxed their facial hair into the finest moustachery they can muster.

And why? Well here are a few facts about male cancer:

• One man in every nine will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime

• This year 37,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed in the UK alone

• 50 percent of all men will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime

• 26 percent of men are less likely to go the doctor compared to women

The members of ‘Team Nifty’ have so raised more than £700 for the cause but they need your help now to improve on this.
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Let's have a closer look at those growths

You can support them by visiting the team page and sponsoring them with whatever you can spare. Every penny counts and you can be assured that they will appreciate each donation, no matter how small it is.

To sponsor ‘Team Nifty’ Simply click here and you will be transported to the team pages with posts and photographs on the progress of each team member
