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New president for Briggs International

Dallas, Texas based Briggs International has appointed Mike Winemiller as president. He replaces David Bratton, who was recently promoted to chief executive of Sammons Enterprises, the parent company of Briggs.
Winemuller, 50, joined Briggs Weaver in 1983, the company became Briggs

Equipment in 1996- its 100th year. He was appointed as regional manager for North Texas in 1997 and then vice president and chief operating officer for the company in 2006. He has served as president of Briggs Equipment US operations since 2007.
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Mike Winemiller

Briggs International businesses include: Briggs Equipment, U.S. operations, Briggs Equipment - Mexico and Briggs Equipment UK.

Bratton said: “Mike’s 28-year tenure speaks to his positions of ever-increasing responsibility within the Briggs organization. He has served in a variety of operational and management roles, consistently making contributions. After 28 years, you can rest assured that he aligns with our culture and lives our values. It was Winemiller’s experience and management skills that enabled him to successfully navigate Briggs through one of the most difficult economic climates since the Great Depression.”
