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Ascorel appoints new manager

Electronics and control company Ascorel, has appointed Jean-Charles Delplace as general manager of its construction business unit.

Delplace joins the company from tower crane anti-collision system manufacturer SMIE, where he was directeur général – (managing director) since July 2010.
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Jean-Charles Delplace

Delplace, 38, started his career as a product manager with Peugeot Cycles, moving on to Dassault Aviation as a project manager in both France and the UK. He then joined the foundry and component supplier AFE group, moving on to CETIM – the research and consulting service in 2005 where he worked on software development. He joined SMIE in 2010.

Ascorel claims to be the market leader in the tower crane anti-collision system market at least in terms of units in service. However this is mostly down to the fact that it builds anti-collision systems for Potain. SMIE also claims to be market leader and while it might not have quite as many systems installed as Ascorel – it does have a higher market profile and wider customer base.

Ascorel aims to change this and is expected to sign a new distribution contract with the product support division of its major anti-collision customer very shortly.
