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Football crazies

A motley collection of access equipment was broadcast yesterday during the Scottish Premier League clash between leaders Celtic and Motherwell, after a sign became loose in the wind.

The game held at Motherwell’s ground was broadcast on Sky TV and the image of a partially assembled lightweight alloy scaffold plus an extending ladder and a fair few men to hold the contraption in place was flashed around the world.

Several of you have sent us photographs of your television sets while this went on. Thankfully it ended without casualties it could so easily have gone horribly wrong in front of a huge global television audience.
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An example of a UK rapid access methods -broadcast to the world

The surprise is that there was no form of powered access to hand to quickly intervene – even a telehandler with platform that could get to the area fast??

Maybe a local access company needs to pay the gentlemen at Fir Park a visit and introduce them to a few safer methods of doing this sort of thing. A definite Death Wish.

Oh and the score by the way? 3-1 to the home team – Motherwell.
