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Manitex unveils 19t boom truck

Manitex has unveiled an all new boom truck, the 19 ton 1970C, mounted on a two axle 4x2 chassis.

The company says that the new crane, is one of the highest-capacity cranes available on a two axle chassis and expects it to be very popular with rental companies.

The 1970C offers a 21.3 metre three section synchronised telescopic boom, with optional two section extension for a 36.7 metre maximum tip height. It also features a two speed planetary hoist, full load moment indicator. It requires no additional counter weight and therefore offers greater payload potential on the truck. It has been designed to be installed on most, it not all North American made truck chassis.
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The new 19 ton Manitex 1970C

Randy Robertson director of sales and marketing said: “The 1970C boom truck strikes the perfect balance between the three things customers tell us they care about most: features, cost and ease of use. With its familiar, user-friendly controls and built-in safety features, the 1970C allows operators to get up and running quickly and with confidence.”

With testing all but complete, Manitex says that it should be ready to start shipping the new crane later this month and has already received a number of orders.
