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New 63m for Ruthmann

German truck mounted lift manufacturer Ruthmann has unveiled its T630 truck mounted lift.

Launched at its annual international sales and service partner meeting in Gerscher-Hochmoor, Germany, the T630 offers a 63 metre working height and a 39 metres of outreach. Mounted on a four axle, 32 tonne chassis the company said it has an overall length of 11.9 metres and can therefore be driven on all roads throughout Europe without special permits or exemptions.
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The 63 metre T630 truck mounted lift at the company's international sales and service partner meeting in Germany

Features include a 20 metre top boom plus a 180 degree articulating jib, four locations to control the machines outriggers and the company’s optional Lift-Up material handling system. The T630 is now the fifth model in the company’s height performance range which includes the recently launched 38 metre T380 (Ruthmann unveils T380), the 46 metre T460, the 54 metre T540 and the 72 metre T720.
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The fifth model of the company's height performance range which is expected to comprise of seven models in total
