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Crane falls on House

An 80 tonne Krupp All Terrain crane fell onto a family home in Coniston Avenues Fulwell,. Sunderland on Saturday, when, it appears, the outrigger gave way. It has not yet been determined what caused the collapse, but initial evidence suggests that the outriggers were set up on excavated ground without sufficient shoring.
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The crane overturned when the outriggers gave way

The accident also caused a minor fracture the gas main, causing people to be evacuated from the area and delaying the recovery of the crane.

The crane, which is owned by Reeds-Bray crane hire of Gateshead, was working with a boom length in the region of 24 metres in order to lift the large tub over the house and in to the rear garden, the load itself was not significant and should have been well within the cranes capacity.

Most importantly no one was injured in the accident, although several people, including the crane driver were treated for shock.
