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HSE to enforce Alloy tower rules

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive has said that it will start to enforce the recommended erection procedures for alloy towers, agreed earlier this year with PASMA, the Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association. PASMA has issued a warning to everyone who owns, rents or uses mobile access towers, that enforcement of the new Work at Height Regulations is looming large.

Says PASMA general manager, Peter Bennett: “These regulations impact on everyone involved with towers and PASMA, in co-operation with the HSE, have approved only two methods of assembling and dismantling mobile access towers. These are fundamentally different from previous methods and the Health & Safety Executive will be enforcing them soon.”

“Everyone needs to know, understand and implement these two methods now.”

Richard Lockwood, project manager at the HSE has confirmed Bennett’s warning and commented: “It is now more than six months since the new regulations came into force, long enough to ensure that no-one should ever have to stand on an unprotected platform.”

“Fall protection is so critical to on-site safety that we are now
planning ahead to achieve full compliance with the new requirements.”

The two methods take account of the fall prevention requirements embodied in the new regulations. Are installing the guardrails through the platform trapdoor OR using a specially designed advance guard-railing system.
See No standing on unprotected platforms

PASMA has initiated a number of measures in order to help spread the word on this, yet take up on the association’s first road show events was abysmal, in spite of them being free and local!

Methods Measure Up is PASMA’s on-going campaign to inform industry of these practical implications. The Association’s 2005 Road show has already visited four venues and its new DVD Don’t Fall For It! is out now. PASMA Ambassadors are also much in demand by organisations wanting to know more about the new WAHR legislation.

Tony Williams, PASMA’s chairman said: “Both PASMA and the HSE recognise the need for an effective dialogue with users on how towers should be assembled and dismantled with fall prevention measures throughout.”

“There is no time to waste and no excuses for anyone who fails to comply with the regulations which are, after all, designed to safeguard against injury and fatalities.”
