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JLG switch from Ford to GM

JLG will begin installing General Motors Vortec 3000 engines in its gas powered IC powered boom and scissor lifts from January 2006. The change has been necessitated because Ford has discontinued production of the existing power units.

The GM Vortec 3000 engine is a three litre, four-cylinder gasoline unit, delivering 82 hp at 2,800 rpm. The engine has a multiport fuel injection system with the injectors positioned to spray fuel directly on the back of the intake valves to enhance power, improve throttle response and start up characteristics.

Further, this design promotes more complete combustion and helps reduce emissions, making the Vortec 3000 Tier III compliant.

JLG has also announced that it will handle all parts, service and warranty directly with its dealers in order to simplify product support.
