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Aerial lift keeps the lights running

When the power went down for three days in parts of Houston, Texas after Hurricane Rita a local rental company was caught out with no generators due to the huge demand after the Hurricane. With its own demand high, it needed to have the workshops running in order to serve its customers.

That’s when one of the mechanics had the idea to use the on-board generators from the JLG 600S boom lifts in the yard, to provide the power. The JLG Sky Power generator produces 7,500-watts (10,500-watt peak) and is part of the “Workstation in the Sky” package that is increasingly being fitted as standard on many JLG models.
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The Sky Power generator on this JLG boom was used to power the workshop for 3 days

The lift was parked in front of a service bay door with extension cables from the AC outlet mounted on the platform. It was just what they needed. The generator produced enough electricity to power lights, shop tools and a large fan. The shop was in business.

It worked out so well that they placed a JLG boom in front of every service bay
And kept the workshops running for almost three days. Expensive generators but when needs must!
