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Man killed by Self Erector

A 35 year old man was helping two colleagues dismantle a self erecting tower crane in Coatesville, north of Auckland, New Zealand, two weeks ago. The three were trying to fold the crane, when it seems that the upper A-frame jammed.

The men climbed the tower and started pulling on the A-frame in order to free it up. It suddenly released and the three men jumped, two managing to get clear, while the third was hit in the head by the falling boom, killing him outright.

The crane had been used on the construction of a $30 million home, one of New Zealand's largest.

The Labour Department sent two health and safety inspectors to the site to gather evidence tomorrow. The investigation is continuing. The dead man had worked for the crane hire company for around 12 months.

Vertikal Comment

At this weeks CPA Tower Crane Interest Group meeting, a photo was shown of trainees at one of the CITB construction colleges, doing something very similar to what happened here.

The question was asked at the meeting concerning the group’s views on who should erect and dismantle self erecting tower cranes. Views ranged from those who thought that self erectors should be treated in the same as top slewers, including a new certification every time a crane is erected, to those who thought the smallest units could be erected by trained users.

One assumes that in the case above the staff, who worked for the crane company, were properly trained?
