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HSE to crack down on Tower crane companies

In a statement at the end of a Tower crane warning alert today See Tower crane alert The UK’s Health and Safety Executive has said that is will be visiting tower crane companies, both on site and at head offices. And that in light of the Battersea accident it will be looking for proof of compliance with legislation and industry best practice.

The exact text is as follows:

“HSE has worked closely with industry to revise BS7121- Part 5, to produce the CIRIA publication and the CPAs Technical Information Notes. As a result of this new guidance being available to the industry HSE's Construction Division has an ongoing programme of visits to tower crane companies.

During these site and head office visits inspectors will discuss health and safety management of the supply, erection, operation and dismantling of tower cranes.

This work will be continuing in light of the recent tower crane collapse at Battersea and we will expect companies to be able to demonstrate compliance with relevant legislation and industry best practice.”
