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Manitowoc 16000 gets Max-Er

Manitowoc has released its model 16000 crawler crane with Max-Er attachment.

The 400 tonne crawler crane was launched at Conexpo in 2005, with wind power applications in mind. along with petrochemical and fabrication yard applications.
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Manitowoc 16000 with Max-Er attachment

The Max-Er attachment provide up to 232 tones of counterweight, which significantly increases the crane’s capacity at radius. On the standard unit the maximum boom length is 96 metres, with the Max-Er, boom length can be increased to 120 metres.

When using a luffing jib the improvement is more dramatic, Typically, the 16000 can handle a 54 metre boom with a 84 metre jib, for a total reach of 138 metres. The Max-Er, takes this up to 90 metres boom plus 84 metres luffing jib, a total of 174 metres tip height..

For the first time on a Manitowoc crane, the 16000’s Max-Er is equipped with a hydraulically driven stinger, allowing the operator to adjust the position of the Max-Er behind the crane hydraulically rather than mechanically.
