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Dates for Vertikal Days confirmed

The organisers of Vertikal Days have confirmed that the new dates for the event will be Wednesday May 12th and Thursday 13th 2021.

When the event was originally postponed the Donington Park venue was reserved for the end of September/start of October. However as the Covid-19 pandemic moves on, it became increasingly clear that while October ‘might’ just be open for exhibitions, social distancing and other restrictions are almost certain to remain in place, making an event like Vertikal Days exceptionally challenging.

The input from exhibitors and regular visitors also indicated that many felt hesitant about travelling to, or congregating, at large events, or be likely to be in the right frame of mind to look at the latest equipment and consider new investments.

It is hoped that as we move into the spring, the world will have largely conquered the pandemic, and possibly have a vaccination and effective treatments in place.

The organisers are promising to do everything possible to organise the best Vertikal Days ever, hopefully in an atmosphere where everyone is feeling relieved, positive and optimistic. At the same time it is possible that a large volume of ‘catch up work’ along with promised increases in infrastructure spending will require buyers to look at new equipment and ideas.

Finally the organisers have said that while the plan is to host the show at Donington Park again, the venue owners have yet to categorically confirm the dates, so a second similar location has also been reserved as a precaution.
