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Send Rupert to Africa

Rupert Douglas-Jones the international training manager for
IPAF is seeking sponsorship for Enduro Africa, a challenging motorbike ride in aid of the charity ‘Riders for Health’.
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Rupert Douglas-Jones

The aim of the charity is to bring mobility to African health workers in order to allow them to deliver medicines and help to the poorest and most remote villages, where people are in most need.

The inability to tackle the huge distances of Africa's
rural landscape is preventing health and development agencies from
making any significant impact on the continent's fight against poverty and
disease. In many areas the few vehicles that do exist are often unreliable in the extreme.
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Bikes help bring medicines to remote villages

for more details click here
In order to help fund motorcycles for health workers, the charity ‘Riders for Health’ is gathering bikers from all over the world to take part in a 14 day sponsored ride over some of South Africa’s most rugged and isolated terrain.

At the end of the challenging ride all of the bikes are handed over to the local health workers, while a network of local mechanics are to be trained to maintain and repair them.
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Mechanics are trained

So if you would like to help sponsor this worthy cause, OR perhaps the idea of sending Douglas-Jones off to a remote, dusty and inhospitable part of Africa for two weeks is a more exciting motivation for you?

Either way why not chip in and help by providing prizes for an auction and tombola he is planning at the upcoming IPAF dinner after next weeks summit and AGM. And Or sponsor him for the ride.

You can contact Rupert via the IPAF offices or on +44(0) 7970 010171
There is a direct link to IPAF in the on-line directory or on its banner.
