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Versalift UK to distribute Bluelift

Ruthmann and Time/Versalift have announced that Versalift UK will take over the distribution of Bluelift spider lifts from the start of the new year.

Bluelift is currently distributed in the UK and Ireland by Snorkel UK and Ahern Ireland. The Ahern group will continue to distribute Bluelift machines in the other markets it covers for the Italian manufacturer.

Versalift UK took over the Ruthmann distribution, including the Ecoline truck-mounted platforms which are also built in the Ruthmann Italia/Bluelift factory at the start of April.
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A Bluelift SA11P

A statement from Versalift said: “We have the vision to further expand and strengthen the integration between all Time Manufacturing group companies, Versalift UK customers will immediately benefit by having more options for access lifts, and Bluelift customers will benefit from the industry leading support."

“This decision comes after open discussion between all involved parties, and it is by mutual consent allowing both Ruthmann Italia and Snorkel UK to focus on their core brands moving forward. Ahern and Snorkel will continue to work with Ruthmann Italia to ensure a seamless transition.”

"Ruthmann Italia would like to thank Snorkel UK/Ahern Ireland for their contribution and cooperation during past collaboration and wish them success in the future.”
