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The latest C&A is here

The latest digital edition of Cranes & Access is now online and available for your reading pleasure.

Packed with several exciting features this issue covers a wide range of topics including Low Level access, Telehandlers, All Terrain cranes, the first in a series of personal interviews starting with a woman in a senior role, and review of Vertikal Days. It also includes the latest news, views and regular sections.

You can easily download the entire magazine or specific sections as PDFs by simply clicking here and then scrolling down. No registration or personal details are required, so dive right in!

Are you a print subscriber?
If you're already a subscriber to the print edition, expect your copy to arrive later this week or next, depending on your location in the world.

Don't miss out!
If you haven't subscribed yet and would love to receive your own beautifully printed copy of our fantastic magazine, simply complete the subscription/free trial form a subscription/free trial form, and we'll send it straight to the address of your choice.

Looking ahead to the next issue
Scheduled for the end of July, the upcoming Cranes & Access issue will feature articles on Tower cranes, Scissor lifts, Lifting and work at height equipment for arborists, the annual C&A equipment source guide and reviews of APEX and JDL.

We want to hear from you!
If you have any contributions, ideas, or suggestions, feel free to reach out to our editorial team at [email protected]. And if you're interested in boosting your business by advertising in the next issue, contact our sales team at [email protected] or get in touch with any member of the Vertikal team.

Stay tuned for an exciting read in the world of cranes and access!
