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The Vulgar boatmen

A small group of keen anglers from the UK crane and access industry have recently returned from the remote Kola Peninsula of northern Russia, where they fished the rivers Kitza and Varzuga for Atlantic Salmon.
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Can you identify any of these crane/access men? if not the answer is below

See how many of them you can name given the disguise that their local garb provides.

The team fished the rivers for a week catching and releasing 178 fish, the largest being 17lbs, although it is apparently still growing, getting bigger each time the story is retold by it's catcher, ace Spey caster Lawrence Dalgleish. There is one name.. but can you spot him?

If you failed to name any of this motley crew here is the answer:

Left to right. Jim Daintith of Access Platform Sales - Tony Mort of AJ Platforms - Pete Leo of Flange Challenges Inc - Lawrence Dalgleish of Plantfinder - Mike Moore of Havenfine Trading - Glyn Goodwin of Peterborough Pools - Bill Green of PLC Sales and Brian Pollard of Pollard Boxes.

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Bill Green of PLC sales showing off a 14lb salmon which he says "has not grown since he caught it!"
