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Hull moves to AJ Access

Jonathan Hull, currently UK & Ireland sales manager for Genie, has accepted a position with AJ Access the long established access sales, rental and training company owned by Tony Mort.

Hull takes up his new post on September 3rd, he has been with Genie since 1997 and took over as UK/Ireland sales manager in October following John Fullers appointment as divisional sales manager for the UK, Benelux and Middle East.
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Jonathan Hull

Mort told Vertikal that he is delighted with the news "Jonathan Hull will be a major asset to the company. he will bring to the company a professionalism in equipment sales that we see as being essential to the company's future developement in both the home and overseas markets." he said.

AJ Access AJ Access has recently been awarded IPAF rental plus status but its main focus is the supply of used access platforms that it sells from stock in order to fulfill immediate demand.

This latest appointment is not the first transfer of staff between AJ and Genie, in 2005 long time AJ Access manager Glynn Goodwin joined Genie in a regional sales role and now looks after its used equipment business.
