Dutch rental company Scheepsma Logistiek has taken delivery of a six tonne Klaas K1003 truck mounted aluminium crane from the Klaas distributor All-Up.
The arrival of the new Klaas K1003
Mounted on a Volvo FMX 4x6 chassis, features include a four section 31 metre main boom and a four section 18.5 metre jib/upper boom for a maximum tip height of 54 metres. It can handle three tonnes at a radius of 11 metres, one tonne at 30 metres and 250kg at its maximum 44 metre radius. Features include a three tonne capacity winch, a maximum outrigger spread of less than six metres and an electric hybrid drive.
The jib
Established in 2006 and based in Wytgaard, northern Netherlands and runs a fleet of 10 cranes including mobile tower cranes, All Terrains, truck mounted cranes and telehandlers.
The Klaas K1003 in operation with the work platform attahcment