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Strong Start to Vertikal Days

The third Vertikal Days event got off to a strong start yesterday with first days visitor attendance up comfortably on last year, thanks to excellent weather and a large variety of exhibitors.
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The Haydock Skyline yesterday

A good number of stands reported some decent orders either being confirmed or made on the show. Windhoist’s 103 metre Wumag WT1000 arrived on site after being delayed by an emergency wind turbine job, and then had to leave again last night for a similar job. It is hoped that it will return in time for today’s opening.
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The 100 metre Wumag WT1000 arrives at Vertikal Days

The oversubscribed evening networking event, was attended by well over 450
As a result of this and the busy show, we will not be in a position to offer you a review until later in the week.

You can still attend Vertikal Days by registering at the entrance, the show runs from 10:00 am until 16:30.
