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CICA purchase offices

The Crane Industry Council of Australia - CICA - has purchased a suite of offices at Lexia Place in Mulgrave, south east of Melbourne.

The office is a new, two-storey, commercial town-house building, part of a new development and one of 12 units on the site.
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CICA's new offices

Alan Marshall, CICA chief executive said:. “Over the last few months we have been progressing our Premises Project - the need for more office space plus the opportunity to secure and further invest in the industry’s future on behalf of our members.”

“This may be one small step, but strategically it is a giant leap forward for CICA and reflects our vision, leadership and commitment to the crane industry. The new office is only a short drive from our current office, it meets all our requirements and came at a good price.”

“Our aim will be to move-in over the next three months, to give notice where we are, to allow us time to plan the shift and minimise any disruption to members and the CraneSafe Programme.
