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Catching them young

UK based access sales company, Working At Height is supporting four and a half year-old racing driver Faine Hill from Middlesbrough.
Hill’s local circuit is the Karting North East Motorsport track in Sunderland where he races his 50cc Bambino Zip comer engine kart. Although not yet five he puts in five hours of practice every week.
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Young Faine Hill racing in the Work At Height sponsored Kart

Although one of the youngest drivers, Hill is hoping that one day he can be as successful as his idol, Lewis Hamilton. His commitment and success at such a young age impressed the Working At Height Team, prompting them to provide some sponsorship.
Clearly they are hoping to follow him all the way through to becoming a Formula One champion himself. Sponsorship may cost Working At a Height a little more by then though!
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Faine Hill at the wheel

However with the company continuing to expand sales to major end users through the current economy, who knows? Working at Height recently delivered a new Genie Z135/70 to the Port of Felixstowe which followed a Z135 to Thorpe Park in July.
