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Cranes Asia just a week away

The Cranes Asia safety and management conference kicks off in Singapore next week. The event which has already attracted some top crane industry speakers, is also bringing together a wide range of delegates from crane companies all over the region, from New Zealand to local companies and everywhere in between.

Cranes Asia will take place at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore on 9-10 December. Subjects will include insights on key markets, address the latest regulations, standards and safety issues; focus on the opportunities for global partnerships; and look at the export opportunities for Asian crane manufacturers.

Speakers include representatives from Al Jaber Heavy Lift, Manitowoc, Kobelco, Fagioli, Yantai Raffles, the Crane Industry Council of Australia, the Singapore Ministry of Manpower and the Workplace Safety and Health Council.

For more information, check out our events section which has a direct link to the even which is organised by Cranes Today.
