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Spot On cancer charity fundraising

When Peter Downes, the owner of Spot On Cleaning in Bradford, UK needed an access platform for a day to help install festive lights to raise money for the Marie Curie Cancer Care charity, a local company, Blade Access had the answer.
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The platform helps to install the festive lights

For the past three years, Downes has used the festive season to raise money for the charity by decorating his house with Christmas lights and this has become a local attraction. This year he needed assistance to install the lights at height and used Blade Access’ BisonPalfinger TKA 35KS Truck Mount Platform free of charge.
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(L-R) Mark Bell from Blade Access, Peter Downes from Spot On Cleaning, Brenda Doyle the fund raising manager from Marie Curie and Jamie Bairstow from Blade Access

The lights were switched on last Saturday by Bradford City footballers James Hanson and Chris Brandon and more than 150 local supporters and will be switched on each evening from 16:00 to 22:00hrs for the next six weeks.

“So far, Peter has raised in the region of £5,000 to support this very good cause and we will continue to support his efforts each year,” said Mark Bell of Blade.
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Bradford City footballers James Hanson and Chris Brandon switched on the lights

Research commissioned by Marie Curie Cancer Care shows that 64 percent of cancer patients would choose to die at home. In reality only 25 per cent achieve this. Every year, Marie Curie Nurses make that wish possible for thousands of cancer patients in cities, towns and villages across the UK thanks to the financial support of all donations made. More information about this charity is available at
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About £5,000 has been raised so far

“If you would like to make a donation, please send a cheque made payable to Marie Curie Cancer Care to our central offices in Bradford,” said Bell, “and we will forward all donations on to Brenda Doyle the Fund Raising Manager for the charity.”
