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The Rowes and Florida.

In the past day or so Paula Rowe, Lee Rowe’s wife writing from his email address, has informed us that her husband is not opening up an operation in Florida.

She also says that she personally is totally unaware of the Florida site. In spite of the fact that the Professional Specialist Services LLC web site, refers back to the UK business and carries the same name as Lee and Kenneth Rowe’s latest PSS company – changed from Prime Serve Solutions (UK).

Whether such plans have now been dropped, or whether the site was intended to test the waters by alleging that it a PSS business was operational we cannot be certain.

If we take Mrs Rowe’s word on this then it looks like any plans that her husband may or may not have had have been shelved. She claims to know nothing about this and is busy running her own business.

The fact is that this report has stirred up strong feelings and some of the comments on this story have started getting overly personal. While we appreciate that past activities of some Rowe family members may have caused serious consternation to a number of people, some of whom clearly count among our readers, we would prefer it if comments on this site be kept to a more business-like level, especially from those of you whom write under a pseudonym.

While the introduction of comments on our web site has generally served a very positive purpose and added a new dynamic source of information, we have a tough role of trying to police this without undue censorship, a hard job at the best of times.

Perhaps we can call a halt to the commenting on this subject– everything has been said on both sides and the whole item appears to have turned into a public scrap and not something that does our industry any credit.

In order to cool the situation we are suspending the original report, but will be keeping an eye on the situation. We would appreciate it if you also could follow our lead. And stop commenting further.


I know the sales director fairly well and if his stories are anything to go by, then I wouldn't recommend them.

Oct 8, 2010

Why does't Mr Rowe come on this message board and put the record straight ?

Is he a crook ? If not, he could use this opportunity to put his side of the story.

He is taking quite a pounding on here - why doesnt he defend himself?

Has he really set us so many companys and ripped so many people off or is this a huge exaggeration ?

Oct 5, 2010

looks like someone is losing the plot a little

Oct 4, 2010

This is so wrong on so many levels. The Rowe's arrogance in their business methods is beyond belief. Surely, they must be running out of people they can hire cranes from !

I am sure that their creditors would be interested to learn of the lifestyle the Rowe's lead. They live in a huge gated house, they have 3 expensive cars, their children attend private school, and they enjoy several expensive holidays evey year.

What goes around, comes around - hopefully.

Oct 4, 2010

Poor old Lee Rowe. He is probably running out of crane rental companies he can scam in the UK, so he is going to start on the ones in Florida.

Thanks to Vertikal, most of the UK crane companies know who they are dealing with, despite Rowe trying to 'hide' behind fancy new company names.

Oct 4, 2010

Might be worth getting in some work rather than typing on this website. Just a thought And just so we all know is there anything you dont actually know ?

And if Florida is so crooked isn't everyone from there and thus that includes you !!

Oct 4, 2010

How gullible is this web site. It is obviously a wind up and your sources have been taken in by it. Does this company actually exist in Florida I have checked and it doesn't. Ooh took me all of approx 5 minutes to find out. A web site for a company that doesn't exist oh that'll be a wind up then !

Oct 4, 2010

Craniac 1
I found their website and under the "About Us" tab it mentions that they have been "running now for over ten years". From what your story states, that sounds appropriate. Florida is a haven for schemers and scammers due to their lax laws regarding civil matters. Being from Florida, I can tell you firstand that if the stories have a kernel of truth, they should fit in nicely- especially in south Florida! The whole construction culture there would jump on a discount of 20-40 cents; 20-40% as claimed would put them in heaven.
Best regards,

Oct 2, 2010