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Tree trimmer electrocuted

A man was electrocuted yesterday while trimming trees in Crescent City, to the North West of Daytona Beach in Florida.

The man, 53, a self-employed landscape contractor, was working from a Genie TZ34/20 trailer lift that he had rented, when according the sheriff his saw touched the overhead power lines. The man was thrown to the floor of the platform and after a while he went to get up but inadvertently grabbed the wire and was shocked again. Rescuers were unable to intervene until they were certain that the power source was properly shut down. The delay was around 45 minutes.

When they did finally manage to lower the platform and bring the man down, he was found to be dead, and was declared so at the scene. Occupational Safety and Health Administration were notified and the local sheriff's office is investigating the incident.
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The trailer lift after the emergency services had departed


Well, we've not had a tree trimmer electrocuted for a couple of weeks now, we were almost due this sad event... and now its happened, with all too much expectation that it would.

These incidents are so very common in America that you'd almost expect warning stickers all over the MEPWS to warn of the dangers, similar to the ones that warn of wind speeds and safe distances from power lines.

I guess these power lines are un insulated and must lie embedded within the trees - but they shouldn't be this hard to identify as being there - the pylons holding them up are a big clue !

Come on America ! You can do better than this ( can't you ? )

Nov 5, 2016