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Another crawler crane overturn

A crawler crane overturned on a construction site in Florence, Northern Alabama yesterday shutting down work on the city’s new hospital.

The crane, one of two lattice crawlers placing steelwork on the new structure, was working with fairly long boom and possibly a jib, when it tipped end to end over its tracks. It is hard to understand what caused the incident, made more challenging by a lack of information or photography. Although a spokesman for the North Alabama Medical Center said that no injuries were reported in the incident.

He added that stringent safety controls are in place on the site and that a full investigation is already underway to determine the cause of the incident. But then went on to add: “It was just an accident. Neither the building nor the crane was damaged”.

Not sure that is really true of the crane!
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The overturned crane


Hey lads, you have to remember ; We here in the lower 48 don't really consider Alabama a state, but rather more of a displaced third world country.

Apr 27, 2017

I love their statement :

It was just an accident. Neither the building nor the crane was damaged.

There's no such thing as 'just' an accident and as for the crane not being damaged - I'm glad I'm not going to be doing the next lift with it - one assumes that they can just drag it back to the vertical and start lifting again without further checks....

As Monty Python's Black Knight said - "Its just a flesh wound... I've had worse !"

Apr 27, 2017

Right guys and girls this is directed to our yanky cousins across the pond.
Let's play a game, let's see if next week you can go a whole week Monday to Sunday without making the news due to a crane going over.
If you do your prize will be respect from us in Great Britain. We call it Great Britain cos we are great at not turning our cranes over.
You have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to prepare for this task, get your duty charts out guys and try and avoid any tree work next week, in fact try and avoid doing any crane work and you will be fine.
Good luck guys and god speed lol

Apr 27, 2017