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Onward and Upward

With restrictions slowly being lifted across Europe, and companies gradually moving back towards a new normal - albeit with some changes - Tim Ward of Upward Access has captured the before and after in a couple of amusing videos.

If you haven’t seen them already, the first video is a musical number that clearly highlights just how long he had been working on his own during the Lockdown.

The second shows his impatience and then excitement at delivery drivers returning from furlough.

While he has added a plug for the company at the end, we thought that they might just bring a smile to you face as life moves closer to some normality.

Have a great weekend.


Fame at last Mr Ward, onward and Upward!!!!

Jul 27, 2020

I guess in all his excitement and glee he forgot to put a harness on, and he also forgot it's not a good idea to give a driver champagne at the start of his shift.

But as the video is very clever and funny, We'll cut him some slack this time.

Jul 26, 2020

lost in france
this guys a legend, i wait for the next installment on linkedin

Jul 26, 2020