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Too close for comfort

A reader in Texas spotted a scissor lift user working on the edge of a high steel structure on a job site in Carrollton, Texas.
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The site in Carrollton Texas

According to our correspondent the man had secured his harness to the steel work, we also noticed that there is what looks like a long cable from the lift back to a distant part of the structure, we now know that this is a welding power lead.
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All it needs is for the iron worker to inadvertently push the controller in the wrong direction and he is over the edge. How he would then fare being attached to the structure as the lift fell over the edge of the building is anyone’s guess.

Hardly a safe way of working close to an edge like this – in fact a death wish for sure. We would be interested to hear your views on this.
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And closer in shows the lanyard


Des Alcock
looking at the size of the machine it looks like an indoor machine that must not be used in wind speeds above 0 mph just hope it wasn't windy that day

Jan 7, 2011