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Road Rail boom from Platform Basket

Italian based aerial lift specialist Platform Basket has launched a new 41ft/12.4m platform height road-rail self propelled articulated boom lift designed for railway maintenance duties.
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The Platform Basket Road Rail 14 EVO

The new lift, the Road-Rail 14 EVO has been developed with a number of UK rail contractors over several years and incorporates a number of special features. It complies fully with British RIS1530 – PLT Railway standards and has been approved by the British Vehicle Acceptance Body (VAB).
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The EVO14 has a working height of 14 metres

On rails the unit is capable of up to 8kph/5mph and can tow light rail trailers, it can also handle and work on banked turns with an automatic superstructure levelling system that can cope with up to 200mm/eight degrees of side slope
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The 14 EVO self levels up to eight degrees side to side

The lift mechanism comprises a short single riser, two section telescopic boom and articulated jib. The extra large basket has an unrestricted lift capacity of 300kgs. A second, auxiliary, diesel engine is installed to ensure that it can get off of the tracks in the event that the main engine fails. Gross Vehicle Weight is 12.8 tonnes.
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The lift can tow light trailers when on rails

The unit is also equipped with interlocks to allow it to travel under live overhead power lines and mechanical locks to eliminate the risk of slewing into the space of live railway lines.
