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Vertikal is moving again

Due to growing traffic and database size we are once again having to migrate to a new server- same host but new server. As a result we will be unable to post any news for a period between this evening Tuesday 8th June and tomorrow morning Wednesday 9th June.

You may also notice some - hopefully minor – disruption, the move is necessary though and any problems will largely be limited to: North America from 15:00 Eastern Time. Midday Pacific time for three hours or so. In Australia and New Zealand every thing should be done by Midday, depending where you are and finally those on Central European Time it will not start until 21:00 so if there is any break in service shut down the computer and head for the bar.

We hope that the new server will help speed up the web site etc... but most important of it will allow us to carry on growing and building our database.
Many thanks for your support.

The move last night having appeared to go well intially but then caused major problems which many of you in Central Europe woke up to on Wednesday - Thank you for letting us know- As a result we our hosting company has moved Vertikal.Net back to the old server and restored the site to where it was last night so we have lost some of this mornings data. You will not yet see any benefits that we were hoping for.
We understand that there will be a new attempt to move to the new server later in the week. Hopefully it will all be worthwhile!
