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Vertikal Days the numbers

For those of you who were interested in the final numbers of visitors to Vertikal Days we have the preliminary count.

Many of the exhibitors at Vertikal Days were asking about the final numbers of visitors to this year’s event. We do have the preliminary count and can confirm that while the number was higher than last year the numbers were similar.

In total 1,133 people came through the entrance and collected a visitor’s badge, up from 1,072 last year. We did spot a few people who came in the back way from the CPA/IPAF/ALLMI meetings but that probably also occurred last year.
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Vertikal Days 2010

Anyway the number of visitors is not the point at Vertikal Days, if it was we would follow the industry practice and count those who returned on day two – we don’t, the fact is that almost every single one of the 1,100 visitors was a major buyer or specifier of aerial lifts and or cranes and telehandlers.

One good thing this year is that the number of visitors from large contractors, steel erectors, utilities and other specialist end user companies increased significantly as word about the event spreads.

The split between the days was more marked than last year with 796 recorded for Wednesday and just 337 (plus returning visitors) for Thursday. So work needs to be done to encourage more visitors on day two.
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A game of two halves, Thursday was considerably quieter than Wednesday

We will be circulating a voting slip to all exhibitors regarding next year’s event, in terms of dates, location etc.. and in the meantime would be very pleased to hear from exhibitors and visitors alike on what they thought of the event and what we need to change or add. Please email [email protected] with your feedback.

We will be conducting a final audit of these numbers as they are entered into our database, so they are subject to confirmation, but given the low tech method we use they are not expected to change significantly.
