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Torgny Eriksson 1946-2010

Torgny Eriksson a non-executive director at Finnish rental company Ramirent has died aged 63.

Eriksson was the co-founder and chief executive of Carta Corporate Advisors
AB, a leading consulting firm in Scandinavia and his prior working experience
included leading line management positions in at Unilever.

Ramirent chairman Peter Hofvenstam said: “Torgny was an energetic entrepreneur and has been a pillar of business expertise and insight on our board over the last five years. We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss. It's been a privilege to know and to work with Torgny. We are going to miss his friendship a lot.”
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Torgny Eriksson

The Ramirent board of directors currently consists of the following five
members: Peter Hofvenstam (chairman), Susanna Renlund (vice-chairman), Kaj-Gustaf Bergh, Johan Ek and Erkki Norvio.
