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A ladder to nowhere

A photo in from the Middle East showing the crazy use of a window cleaner’s ladder is a clear Death Wish.
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Spotted by an eagle eyed reader - five men and a ladder

We are not certain exactly where this is or quite what the team of four is up to, unless it is cleaning the small square windows?

One thing is for sure the man on the ladders has either been bullied into it or he has an exceptional amount of trust in his fellow workers. It looks as though he has a harness on as well held by one of the two men not grimily holding on to the ladder, well we say a harness, it might actually just be a length of rope tied round his waist?

Amazingly they seem to have their priorities mixed, up they have their hi-viz vests and hard hats on- so one assumes that this is a site or a company that at least pays lip service to safety.
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A closer look

The fact is though, to reach the point they appear to be trying to get to would need a 20 to 25 metre boom lift – too expensive? Too much hassle to organise? There is certainly room for a lift in the car park below.
