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New Tadano’s for Goodline

Australian mining services company Goodline has taken delivery of two new Tadano mobile cranes, including a Tadano Faun ATF130G-5, its biggest crane to date.

The cranes, which also included a Tadano GR-550EX Rough Terrain, were recently delivered to the company’s Port Headland operation by Perth based Tadano Oceania.

The 550EX has gone straight to work on a medium term contract at Fortescue Metals Group’s Christmas Creek iron ore mine.
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Goodline's new 130 tonne Tadano AT

Until the arrival of the 130 tonner, the largest crane in the company’s 11 unit fleet were 55 tonne Kato and Tadano truck mounts, with larger models rented in as needed. A key criteria for the new crane was its ability to lift 20 tonnes to 18 metres radius.

Goodline has three locations in Weipa, Queensland, Darwin in the Northern Territory and Port Hedland, Western Australia. Founded in 1999 by John Kennedy it provides a range of support services to large mining companies, including: steel fabrication, steel erection, demolition, scaffolding, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and civil works.

Tadano’s five axle ATF130G-5 boasts a six section 60 metre boom with offsettable boom extensions of up to 32 metres.
