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News on the run

We have finally released the mobile version of take a look with your mobile device and tell us what you think.

Our web designers have been working hard for much longer than expected, to introduce an easy to use format that works well for all smart phone systems – including the i-phone, Android and Blackberry, without the need to download an app. The challenge was to do all this and look good on all systems - especially on some of the smaller screen devices.

Simply use your handset to access – the website should automatically detect that you are accessing from a mobile device and deliver the mobile version of focusing mainly on news and events.

The screen will also give you the opportunity to select the full web site if you prefer.

This is very much a work in progress - the start - we are still developing and refining the mobile version, so please do send us any and as much feedback as possible via [email protected]


Ted Williams
Very good, the old site took ages to load on my blackberry.

Mar 1, 2011

Martin Cowley
Excellent new version, loaded instantly on my Blackberry, well done.

Mar 1, 2011