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Cumberland supplies Iraq

Kettering, UK-based Cumberland Industries has recently completed a loader crane order for Iraq. The order was for 10, Hiab 377 cranes mounted on MAN 8x4 chassis. The loader cranes have a 10 tonne lifting capacity.
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Cumberland Industries has just completed an order for 10, Hiab 377 loader cranes mounted on MAN 8x4 chassis.

Cumberland is also in the process of building a further 15, five tonne capacity loader cranes also mounted on MAN chassis and destined for Iraq.

In September, the company completed a delivery for four 20 metre Iveco 7.5 tonne chassis based platforms.
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The 10 tonne lift capacity units are destined for Iraq.

“The recent move into larger premises means that we can now increase production as can be seen by the latest orders,” said managing director Paul Murphy. “We are also working on several projects including a new machine that will launch early next year.”
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Cumberland is also in the process of building a further 15, five tonne capacity loader cranes on MAN chassis also for Iraq
