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Sijtsma takes first 32m GSR

Dutch-based contractor and rental company Sijtsma has taken delivery of the first GSR E320PXJ 32 metre articulated truck mounted lift from Allift Michielsens, GSR’s distributor for the Benelux region.

The platform was recently used to erect a wind turbine in Leeuwarden. This particular wind turbine in additional to producing electricity captures humidity from the air to produce water.
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GSR E320PXJ being used to erect a wind turbine in Leeuwarden

The E320PXJ is mounted on an 18 tonne chassis and features a heavy-duty over-centre sigma style dual riser, four section telescopic boom and articulated jib, providing it with 20 metres of outreach and 280kg platform capacity and variable width stabilisers.
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The GSR E320PXJ boasts 32 metre working height with 280kg platform capacity

Sijtsma’s sales manager Aant Buisman said: “An important feature of the GSR platform is that it is completely hydraulic, including the controls, which improves the products reliability and durability as well as being easier to maintain.”

Sijtsma recently purchased a 61 metre Bronto S61XDT truck mount and will take delivery of a new 20 metre GSR E200TE4 on a Mercedes Benz Sprinter chassis in the new year.
